Multi Level Marketing (MLM) e mail newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with customers or prospect clients. Your newsletter gives them tips and information about your product and how to use it, provides them with chances to win things and an opportunity to contact you at any time with questions or concerns. Excellent marketing tactics, and the best way to keep you and your product "out there".
Top of mind awareness is good for your business and you need to keep all aspects of your e mail marketing newsletters current, and that includes updating your customer list. If you're list is getting a bit haggard about the edges and could stand being freshened up, make sure you ask your customers to opt-in AGAIN.
Make sure you also ask if they wish to continue getting your messages, never assume. What you can do is ask them to opt-in again by sending you an e mail (a perfect chance to talk to them), click on a link or visit a web page. The e mail route is really the preferred one, simply because it gives you the perfect chance to get caught up with the person and tell them about new things happening with your business that will benefit them.
One thing you also really need to do is – yes in this instance you can assume – that people won't always remember subscribing to your mailings. What do you do? Easy, just add in a short THANKS for subscribing at the beginning of each mailing. This reminds them it's NOT spam, and that they asked to receive it.
Speaking of spam, avoid certain terms in your message subject lines AND in the body text. Spam filters these days are very aggressive and if you use the wrong terms, your mailing is wasted. Create unique subject lines, specific to your letter or you or you company – do not use terms frequently used by spammers. This will guarantee you'll be deleted before you get opened, or get complained about.