In multi level marketing (MLM) you need to know what you're doing, where you're gong, what to expect, how to handle and how to find and enroll prospects. Sound like a tall order? It's not if you have and use the right tools, the right training and make an effort to do something with your business daily.
What are the right tools? Instant messengers – doesn’t matter which brand you use – just so long as they are a major part of your marketing strategy. E-mail is crucial. A finely crafted e-mail works wonders with person-to-person prospecting. Don’t rule out phone marketing. One short call to quickly tell a prospect about something new and to invite them to a presentation or to try the new product speaks volumes about your commitment and leadership qualities. E mail newsletters are another very good tool for marketing regularly to prospective customers, existing customers or team members.
Your well written e mail newsletter will include not only excellent and fresh content, but the necessary basics like your phone number, and postal mailing address. You must be accessible to your customers, and besides, there is federal legislation that says you have to have a physical address on commercial e-mail.
Earlier in this article we learned that to market effectively you need regular communication with your mailing list, prospects, customers, past customers and team members. That only makes good business sense. If you don't write them regularly, they're going to forget you. Stick to a regular schedule as well, your subscribers will anticipate your messages.
If you do receive an inquiry about your newsletter content, or a spam complaint, responding to it by promptly removing the person who complained is the only thing you can professionally and ethically do. One good tip though, when you respond to spam complaints, simply send a short note indicating you have removed them from your list, and just include a short sentence that shows when they subscribed and your response. Many's been the recovered customer from a simple note like this:
You may have forgotten you subscribed to my newsletter on xxxx date from xxxx address. We're just letting you know, you have been unsubscribed promptly. If you unsubscribed in error, please feel free to join us again.